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The Freedom of Expression on Social Media

Writer's picture: Maryam IrshadMaryam Irshad

The world has drastically evolved over the past years, the developments of culture, technology as well as science has transformed the day-to-day lives of individuals. Over the past few years, the term known as ‘Social Media’ was also introduced. Social media, with the help of participatory culture, has also revolutionized the way one expresses himself. Freedom plays a very essential role in the public’s lives, however, certain repressive governments have made use of their power to control the flow of information in their region. Several citizens, in these regions where such media suppression takes place, have started making use of social networking sites to play the role of journalists. This process is known as citizen journalism, where ordinary individuals report, analyze as well as distribute the news using social media platforms. Moreover, social media has also played an important part in digital activism that revolves around gender inequality and violence against women. Several celebrities as well as online influencers have made use of the platform to open up and discuss about these issues as well as their importance. Furthermore, social media has not only played a vital role in breaking gender stereotypes, it has also encouraged many individuals to overcome racial stereotypes. Social networking sites has made it easier for individuals to reach out to a mass audience, this has also helped ethnic minority groups get more recognition. However, this level of freedom may also have some drawbacks, such as spreading hate in the name of freedom of speech.

Social Media

The concept of social media has transformed the lives of individuals all around the globe. With the introduction of Web 2.0, the web changed from “read only” to “read-write” which enabled its users to upload user-generated content online (Fuchs, 2014). Participatory culture is one of the important and impactful factors of social media. This helped in building an interactive platform by allowing individuals, from all around the world, to share their ideas as well as information with one another. It has enabled users to interact from different geographical locations, erasing all the physical barriers. Furthermore, uploading content on social networking sites is also a great way of expressing oneself more eloquently to a mass audience without having to feel self-conscious or nervous (Fuchs, 2014). Moreover, unlike the real world where manners and social etiquettes may seem limiting and restrictive to few individuals, they are able to express themselves freely on social networking platforms. The term social media plays an essential role in all individuals’ lives. The usage of social media sites not only plays an essential role in social factors, but also in political as well as cultural elements.

Social Media and Freedom

Freedom is the act of not being imprisoned and where individuals are able to think, speak as well act the way they want to (Chidiac & El Hajj, 2019). This human expression is very essential for all individuals. Every person has a natural right to express their opinions in order to feel a greater sense of freedom. The concept of freedom also revolves around discussions and debates. This act also involves the seeking, receiving as well as spread of ideas and information (Chidiac & El Hajj, 2019). Social media has given its users the opportunity to be a part of a democratic society where one feels personal freedom as well as liberty. Users have the advantage to use this platform in order to freely speak up about certain issues as an anonymous source, without the fear of being caught (Chidiac & El Hajj, 2019). While content on these sites is also monitored or removed, it may be hard to do so with millions of users. Individuals have made use of the platform to debate and discuss about certain issues and human rights that may go against government or societal norms.

Media Suppression

In order to fuel a decline within the independent mainstream media, various governments from different regions have started hiding information and incidents. This term is known as ‘media suppression’ or ‘media censorship’ where any type of information is censored or concealed on the basis of the information being considered offensive, sensitive or harmful (Radu, 2019). This suppression may take place for various reasons which also include the governments’ control over the flow of information and what is being shown outside the region. In order to take control of the flow of information, the government has taken over the news media of these countries (Hudson, 2019). Before the introduction of social media, the public very heavily relied on the news and mainstream media in order to get information as it was the only source of information and provided a huge platform to circulate it. Citizens in majority of these regions are also being forced to follow certain norms and believe what is right. Additionally, these repressive governments also censor the news about their country outside the region. Social media has given the citizens of these countries an opportunity to speak up about all the issues they face and deliver these messages to the people all over the world (Hudson, 2019).

Citizen Journalism

Due to all the media suppression going on in numerous countries around the globe, a new type of journalism has been introduced as well, in which social media plays a very vital role. With the rise of social media, ‘Citizen Journalism’ which is also known as ‘Participatory Journalism’ or ‘Street Journalism’ has also started taking place. This concept takes place when common citizens play the role of journalists to report, analyze as well as distribute information and news to the audience on online social networking platforms (Freelon et al., 2020). This requires forming communities of news by writing blogs or uploading pictures. This type of journalism has revolutionized the way the public perceives the news. Not only does it show all sides the news, but it also addresses all the gaps in the mainstream media (Wall, 2015). Many times, due to lack of detail or media censorship, the news media are unable to cover all aspects of the story. Citizen media has given citizens the chance to speak up about issues and incidents that are not covered and censored in the professional media. Moreover, this has also lead to other common citizens being encouraged to stand up and speak up about incidents that are not covered in the mainstream media. This encouragement to raise voice for democratic values has led to more freedom of speech. Additionally, news that is reported, analyzed and distributed by common citizens also makes it more relatable to the local audience that views it (Wall, 2015).

Arab Spring

Furthermore, the concept of citizen journalism played a very important role during the Arab Spring as well as the Post-Arab Spring phase. Social media played as a very important medium to share news and information as the news media in countries such as Syria, Libya and Egypt were banned. Mohammed Nabbous, a civilian journalist made use of social media sites to inform the foreign countries about the situation of the war going on in Libya, while the all the broadcast media were banned in the region. His content was the only source of information coming out of Benghazi, Libya which is why he was also named as “the face of Libyan citizen journalism” (Memmott, 2011). Some similar incidents took place in Syria, where the broadcast media was also banned. Citizen journalists were able to succeed in attracting supporters for people fighting for freedom during the Syrian revolution (Albostangy, 2020, p. 329).

Black Lives Matter Movement

Additionally, social networking sites have also played a vital role in exposing police brutality that has been going on in the United States. The deaths of individuals like George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbry as well as Alton Sterling were all captured by smartphones of normal citizens instead of professional journalists. Social media has also revolutionized the way one looks at a certain issue. According to a research conducted my Perrin (2020), approximately 23% of users in the United States have claimed that their perceptions and views about certain social and political issues have changed because of social media. These issues also include the Black Lives Matter movement. Therefore, social media not only plays an essential part in exposing what governments were censoring but also in changing the public’s perceptions about certain issues.

Cultural Diversity

Moreover, the rise of citizen journalism has also led to more cultural diversity. Citizen media highlights minor yet important events while mainstream media tends to only cover general stories. This has given minorities in certain regions more recognition, as social media has brought the world closer and more connected. The whole #BlackLivesMatter movement did not only expose police brutality, but it also gave more recognition to the Black community in the United States. Social media has provided a platform for indigenous communities, such as Australian aboriginals, to stand up for themselves and get the recognition they deserve. Hashtags such as #SOSBlackAustralia and #IndegenousDads have led this community to feel an increased sense of agency as well as freedom (Pearson, 2017). Furthermore, several different online campaigns have also been launched, these revolve around creating a more diverse environment. Numerous of these hashtag campaigns have also helped these communities overcome or break cultural stereotypes that have been created about them. With the help of social media individuals have been able to deliver these messages about, breaking preconceived notions about certain communities, to a mass audience. Many social media influencers have also taken this opportunity to break fixed or over-simplified images of individuals. Influencers such as Sarain Fox, Tomas Karmelo Amaya as well as Nikita Kahpeaysewat have made good use of social networking sites to speak up about stereotypes being created about their community, cultural diversity and cultural appropriation taking place around the world and how all these aspects are very important in their lives (Sehra, 2020).

Gender equality and women empowerment

In addition, social media has also played a very vital role in the freedom of speech revolving around gender equality as well as women empowerment. Numerous women around the world have made use of social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to bring these important issues forward. Individuals have made use of online activism to break society norms and stereotypes where such gender discrimination takes place. Several online campaigns have also been launched in order to empower women and stand up for their rights. These women empowerment hashtag campaigns include hashtags such as #HeForShe, #GenerationEquiality as well as #WomenShould. Moreover, many online activists have also carried out online hashtag campaigns in order to create awareness about the violence against women (UN Women, 2019). The hashtags #NiUnaMenos, #WhyIStayed, #OrangeTheWorld as well as #Metoo were among the many hashtags that were created to end violence against women (UN Women, 2019). Folksonomies or hashtags are a great way of grouping certain topics and creating awareness about these to a larger audience. Many celebrities and women entrepreneurs have also spoken up about how women also have equal right to participate in excitation, society, economy and politically. In addition, Hindustan Times (2019) has also reported that social media helps researchers understand gender inequality in more depth. Their research determines that both women and men mention sons on their online platform more than their daughters. They mention how social media has also become a very important source of information.

Spread of hate and false information

While the freedom of speech has various benefits socially as well as politically, it may have a few drawbacks. Freedom of speech on social media allows any individual to write anything they want to anonymously on online platforms. This may lead certain individuals to use this opportunity to spread hate and false information. They may falsely accuse governments or other individuals for their own benefit without the fear of getting caught. This may also spread false information , making online activism look unreliable and unprofessional. This may also confuse the audience on what to believe and what not to believe (Chidiac & El Hajj, 2019).

To conclude, over the past years the freedom of expression all around the world has been revolutionized due to the growth of social media. The concept of participatory culture on social networking sites has allowed individuals to deliver their message to a mass audience. Several governments, around the globe, have tight control over the mainstream media, which may be oppressive to the citizens of these regions. Due to this media censorship, various individuals have made use of social networking sites in order to speak up about their rights. This concept is known as citizen journalism as well as online activism. While citizen media has helped individuals stand up about their rights, it has also helped minorities in these regions get more recognition. Furthermore, digital activism has also played an essential role in women empowerment and gender inequality. Several influencers and celebrities have also made use of citizen journalism to stand up and encourage others about these issues. Social media has become a very vital part of the flow of information. Therefore, it may also play as a potential remedy to media censorship and suppression, only it does is not opinionated or does not spreads hate and false information in the name of freedom.


Albostangy, A. (2020). “Citizen Journalist” in the Arab Revolution from the Perspective of the Elites in Arab Media (Syria Model). Malaysian Journal of Communication. 36(3), 326-334.

Chidiac, M., & El Hajj, M. (2019). Digital Media and Freedom of Expression: Experiences, Challenges, Resolutions. Global Media Journal.

Freelon, D., Marwick, A., & Kreiss, D. (2020). False equivalencies: Online activism from left to right. Science. 369(6508). 1197-1201.

Fuchs, C. (2014). Social Media:A Critical Introduction. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Hudsons. D. (2019). Free speech or censorship? Social media litigation is a hot legal battleground.

Memmott, M. (2011, March 22). “Remembering Mo Nabbous, 'The Face of Libyan Citizen Journalism'”. NPR.

Pearson, L. (2017, May 29). “Social media amplifies Indigenous voices, even if they don't always agree”. ABC News.

Perrin, P. (2020, October 15). “23% of users in U.S. say social media led them to change views on an issue; some cite Black Lives Matter”. Pew Research.

Radu. S. (2019, June 5). Media Facing Suppression Worldwide, Report Says. US News.

Sehra. R. (2020, November 10). “26 Indigenous Instagram Accounts To Follow Right Away”. Huffpost.

UN Women. (2019, June 29). “Hashtag women’s rights: 12 social media movements you should follow”. UN Women.

Wall, M. (2015). Citizen Journalism:A retrospective on what we know, an agenda for what we don’t. Digital Journalism. 3(6). 1-17.


Wafa Waheed
Wafa Waheed
Mar 27, 2021

Oh my oh my !! Maryam this is by far my favourite topic. The aspect of freedom of expression on social media has not only given us the strenght to voice our opinions but also highlight. some of the major issues faced by various people and communities. Hate/racial discrimination, all those issues are majorily raised through social media, the power that this tool (social media) has given people is very liberating, I see alot of movement everyday being run in my country for example, #metoo movement, the Aurat march, all these have give women the chance to fight against harrasers, and build thier own voice, the fact that awareness on women empowerment, gender equality all of these major issues can…


Nabeel Jilani
Nabeel Jilani
Mar 24, 2021

An interesting read Maryam, I had fun reading your paper, especially because of the increasing relevance of the aspect of Freedom of Expression on social media. While i agree with the concept of citizen journalism, i also agree with the censorship that social media offers which often restricts our freedom of speech. However, there are many recent examples when it comes to digital activism where social media has played a significant role in spreading awareness on women empowerment and gender equality.

Maryam Irshad
Maryam Irshad
Mar 24, 2021
Replying to

Hey Nabeel,

Thanks! I certainly agree with what you have pointed out. While social media has played an essential role in allowing individuals to freely speak up about important issues, certain repressive governments have implemented restrictions or even censored content online. I believe these restrictions are acceptable to the point that they do not seize an individual’s rights to freedom of speech. As stated in one of my references, every individual does not only have the right to receive proper information but also to voice out their own opinions.

Fortunately, social media has led to various social and political movements taking place such as #BlackLivesMatter, #MarchForOurLives and many other movements.

Thanks for your time Nabeel!


Hatem Gad
Hatem Gad
Mar 24, 2021

Hey Mariam,

I really enjoyed reading your paper and you actually touched up upon several topics.

I totally agree with you on the point that however, certain repressive governments have made use of their power to control the flow of information in their region. This is so true since they don't want anyone to mention bad stuff that might damage their reputation. Also I agree with you on the point of citizen journalism, where ordinary individuals report, analyze as well as distribute the news using social media platforms. As we all know what happened last year in America when George Floyd was killed a Woman was recording the incident that has happened and all news channels have taken the recording…

Maryam Irshad
Maryam Irshad
Mar 24, 2021
Replying to

Hi Hatem,

Thank you! I highly agree with the point you have made in the comment. The death of George Floyd was also captured by an ordinary citizen. This eventually led to the whole rise of the #BlackLivesMatter movement that took place in 2020. This proves the power of social media and what big of a role it plays in political as well as social movements.

Glad you found my paper interesting to read, thanks!


Thohid Sesn
Thohid Sesn
Mar 24, 2021

Hi Maryam,

This is really interesting! good job!

My thoughts are that yea social media has changed alot of things in this world but mainly the way how it gives women power to have their voice heard and how the LGTB community can be more accepted due to the different posts made regarding both. this helps people to be more open minded!

Maryam Irshad
Maryam Irshad
Mar 24, 2021
Replying to

Hi Thohid,

I agree with what you have mentioned in your comment. Several minority groups and communities, who were not able to get recognition, have been able to speak up about important issues. This has also definitely led numerous of individuals to think from a broader perspective!

Thanks for the suggestion Thohid.


Levina Robson
Levina Robson
Mar 24, 2021

Hi Maryam,

Good work on your paper! The freedom of expression is very important and especially today, we are somewhat fortunate to have platforms such as social media that could connect us with different communities and voice out!

Yes, I wrote ‘somewhat’ because even though these platforms allows us to be able to have freedom to share our thoughts, as you also mentioned, we are still controlled.

The media suppression for example, the higher authorities still has the freedom to SILENCE the people, they do not understand the importance of listening to the doubts or our honest opinion. Although at the same time, I understand that security is important, some contents needs to be disabled or censored to protect…

Maryam Irshad
Maryam Irshad
Mar 24, 2021
Replying to

Hey Levina,

I definitely agree with you. While social media has enabled us to stand up and speak up about certain matters, we are still being monitored and controlled. The government has still got the power to censor online content. Several governments have started censoring content or even disconnecting the whole country’s internet connectivity in order to silence their citizens and control the flow of information. A recent example of this would be the 2019 fuel protests that took place in Iran.

Thanks for taking your time and commenting on my paper Levina!

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